Grades Through the Student's Perspective


Students see the Grades area very differently from instructors. They also receive email notifications about changes to their grades. It can be helpful to understand how to submit an assignment as a "test" student so that you can try out your grading workflow.

Students will receive notifications about their grades when:
  • New grades are posted
  • Their grade is changed
  • Grade weighting or grade curving is changed

How students view their grades and find feedback:

Once you have posted your grades, students will see on their Camino dashboard their scores and a preview of the written feedback.

Students can also go to your course to see a list of assignments rather than columns when they view their grades. They can click on the assignment name to see full feedback:

Grades for the student "Bucky Bronco" in a list arranged by due date.

Tips for Encouraging Students to View Feedback

  • Students can typically find assignment comments and annotations that you create for them in SpeedGrader. But finding question-specific comments or rubric comments is less intuitive. When possible, give comments using the assignment comments box Links to an external site., and if needed include a note about more comments appearing on the document or the rubric.
  • To ensure students understand how you plan to give feedback in your course, create an assignment where they must respond to your feedback as part of the assignment instructions. For example, you could ask them to respond to your feedback with three things they would improve about their work based on your feedback.
  • You can also use SpeedGrader to find out when students have viewed your feedback. Below their name, you can see the date they submitted and the date that they viewed the annotated document that was returned to them. 


GENIUS: Feel free to save and upload this animated tutorial showing students where to find instructor feedback to your course (right-click and Save on PC, ctrl+click and Save on Mac).

Animated GIF: Two ways to view feedback in Camino.

Hide grade totals and the grade distribution graph

View Grade Totals

Hide Grade Totals

This image shows the student view of their grades page. Students can see their assignment group scores and their total score.

This image shows the student view of their grades page with "Hide Final Grades" enabled. Students can not see their assignment group scores or their total score.

Hiding Course Grades Summary

This image shows the grade distribution graph where students can see the Mean, High, and Low scores for an assignment.

If you'd like to disable these, go into your course Settings tab, click More Options, and view or change the following: 

  • Visibility of Grade Totals
  • Visibility of Grade Distribution Graph


Find the assignment you graded in the first workshop activity. This assignment should now have grades for "Test Student." 

Using Student View from the home page, click on Grades to view your grades for the assignment as a student in the Camino course.


Advanced: Leave Student View. Go to SpeedGrader for the assignment and leave Test Student some feedback. Go back to Student View and see if you can find it.


Click "Next" or "Previous" at the bottom of each page to progress through the module.