Creating an Assignment


When students submit assignments through Camino, you have a variety of options for viewing/downloading submissions, giving students feedback, and grading assignments. The SpeedGrader tool allows for quick grading, which includes a rubric feature, the ability to give in-line annotations on student-submitted files, and submission commentary in the form of text and video.

After you have an understanding of the options available to you for assignment submissions, you can start to build assignments with specified due dates, links to external resources, grading schemes, and including rubrics. You can also arrange your assignments into groups and weight each group (e.g. Weekly Homework 40%, Final Exam 20%). Assignments can be assigned to groups as well as individuals, and can include peer reviews.

Assignment Types

Choose a Submission type:

Collaborative Assignments:

Weighting Assignments

Weight grades by sorting assignments into groups:


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